Plot:Sinbad, the most daring and notorious rogue ever to sail the seven seas, has spent his life asking for trouble, and trouble has finally answered--in a big way. Framed for stealing one of the worlds most priceless and powerful treasures--the Book of Peace--Sinbad has one chance to find and return the precious book, or his best friend Proteus will die. Sinbad decides not to take that chance and instead sets a course for the fun and sun of the Fiji Islands. But Proteus beautiful betrothed, Marina, has stowed away on Sinbads ship, determined to make sure that Sinbad fulfills his mission and saves Proteus life. Now the man who put the bad in Sinbad is about to find out how bad bad can be.
Genres:Action/Adventure, Romance and Animation
Running Time:1 hr. 25 min.
Released Date:July 2nd, 2003
MPAA Rating:PG for for adventure action, some mild sensuality and brief language.
U.S. Box Office:$26,288,320
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