Plot:Based on Bret Easton Ellis' controversial 1991 novel, comes this dark story of a young Harvard graduate, Patrick Bateman, who has all the accoutrements of a young "master of the universe" -- from designer wardrobe to a killer apartment -- just like everyone else in his crowd. He desperately wants to fit in, yet, the terrible irony is the more he tries to be like every other money-drenched man on Wall Street, the more faceless he becomes -- and the less control he has over the urges that, ironically, make him feel like an individual. Bateman is a paragon of conformity in an amoral society where to conform is to be amoral.
Genres:Action/Adventure, Art/Foreign, Drama, Suspense/Horror, Thriller, Crime/Gangster and Adaptation
Running Time:1 hr. 40 min.
Released Date:April 14, 2000 Nationwide
MPAA Rating:R for strong violence, sexuality, drug use and language.
U.S. Box Office:$15,047,419
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